Tuesday, January 17, 2006


The good news? Strides are definitely being made by women as they claim leadership positions around the world:

And the Dutch, who, in misguided attempts at multiculturalism have allowed Muslims to subject themselves to Shari’a law rather than Dutch law (a decision that endangers the lives of women whose abusers and killers are protected within their community), are now considering banning the veil. It’s worth noting that, for whatever reason, Continental Europe is having much more difficulty with multicultural issues regarding Muslims than the United States.

There are only about 50 women in all of the Netherlands who do cover up entirely - but soon they could be breaking the law.

Dutch MP Geert Wilders is the man who first suggested the idea of a ban. "It's a medieval symbol, a symbol against women," he says. "We don't want women to be ashamed to show who they are. Even if you have decided yourself to do that, you should not do it in Holland, because we want you to be integrated, assimilated into Dutch society. If people cannot see who you are, or see one inch of your body or your face, I believe this is not the way to integrate into our society."

BBC News Online, “Dutch MPs Decide on Burqa Ban.”


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