Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I'm from Venus, Hear Me Roar

OK, boys and girls. I finally got on the bandwagon of 1992 and bought a copy of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. I would be lying if I said I'm not skeptical about this book. The whole experience is giving me deja vu of the time in college when I bought The Rules with my erstwhile best friend on a lark. We had been drinking coffee and complaining about our love lives in the Barnes & Noble Starbucks, and $9.95 seemed like a small price to pay for knowing how to stop wasting our time with idiot college boys who didn't know what they wanted. After reading the book, I found out that I paid an hour's wage to be told things my mother had been telling me for years ("girls don't call boys, boys call girls!" etc., etc.). Shortly thereafer, I learned that at least one of the two authors of the book got divorced. Not a very encouraging first-time experience with the self-improvement aisle.

Never being one to refuse someone, or in this case, something a second chance, however, I picked up John Gray's tome after having a discussion with my BFF Lauren. She told me that she knows a woman who swears by the book, even though she acknowledges that it seems silly. My initial skepticism lessened a little more when I brought the book up to the register and the man who rang me up told me that it had a lot of useful advice in it, and that he hoped I was buying it for the man in my life (I'm sure my bf would be thrilled with that reading assignment!).

So I am going to give it a try. Because, as the saying goes, I will continue to learn as long as there is something I do not know. Which means that I will be learning about relationships for a long, long time.

Photo courtesy of Jessica M, stock.xchng.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha. I laughed at the idea of the poor forgotten 1992 bandwagon. I picked up that book years ago and found it strangely compelling-- yet it definitely left a weird taste in my mouth. Distilling gender roles to platitudes and rules of thumb seems like a long shot at best.

At the same time I found myself reluctantly buying into some of the book's theories. Maybe what's true is that some women are from venus and some men are from mars but many of us are from uranus.

Look forward to hearing what others think.

8:05 PM  

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