Wife + Husband + (Housework/2)=Love
Neil Chethik, a journalist interviewed in Newsweek's article, "The Married Male Mind," reveals information shocking to no one. He does, however, reaffirm a research study I discussed in an earlier post ("Women Happier When Men Do Their Part") that reports that women are happier in marriages when their husbands share in the housework. But don't think there's nothing in it for you, men. For all of you husbands and husbands-to-be, let Chetnik's observation be a message to you:
In writing the book, I kept seeing the parallel between housework and sex in the interviews. Men said the happier their wives were in the division of housework, the happier the men were with their sex lives. We even looked at the numbers and found that there's more sex in the relationship if the wife is happy with the division of housework. It doesn't have to be exactly equal, the wife just has to think it's fair. When a woman comes in she notices if it's a mess, it's often socialized in [her] that [she is] more responsible for the look of the home So if he can recognize that by doing a fair share, then he is often rewarded with sex. She's not as angry, or burdened and she's not as tired.
See? Everyone wins!
very true
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